Quality Cigar Twist Pen


The simple, yet bold design of the cigar twist pen succeeds in complimenting the wood of the shaft. The simplicity may be misleading as it succeeds in enhancing the clear appeal of the pen. It is a no-nonsense pen which is very popular.

30 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: Pen_CT Category:


For orders of 100 or more the pens can be made in the following kinds of wood:

  • Red Bush Willow. A hard wood brown to black, heavy, fine grained and termite resistant.
  • Rose wood is deep reddish-brown, richly streaked and grained with black.
  • Hard Pear is indigenous, hard, heavy and strong yellowish-brown wood. It is fine-textured with a wavy grain giving a characteristic rippled effect.
  • South African Teak is well-known. It is hard attractive and moderately dense.
  • Jackal Berry is not very common. It is a hard, pale reddish-brown wood. Sometimes it may be dark brown to almost black. It is close -grained and strong
  • Partridge Wood is pale brown to greyish-yellow wood, with light -coloured bands, very coarse texture and slightly irregular grain.
  • Red Ivory is a favourite of the Zulus. It is hard, unusual bright pink to red wood, very attractive with fine, curly grain
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